![]() The Conference is composed of opening keynote speech and nine workshops |
■Opening Keynotespeech 「How we can control infectious diseases」 Date:Saturday 18th February 10:30~12:30 Venue:Kairaku Organizer:Secretariat Purpose:How we can control infectious diseases Speakers:Dr. Shigeru Katamine, /MD, PhD, President , Nagasaki University |
■ Workshop Ⅰ “Zoonoses: Diseases that Transmitted from Pet and Humans in Daily Life” Date:Saturday 18th February 13:30~16:30 Venue:Waraku Organizer:Society for Zoonoses Research MC・Chairperson:Mr Nobuhiko OKABE, MD, PhD, Director,Infectious Diseases Surveillance Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases Center Chief・Society for Zoonoses Research Farmer PresidentCooperation: Purpose:The aim of this workshop is to disseminate knowledge and prevention of zoonoses that be transmitted from pet animals in daily life. Speakers: “Cat-scratch disease” Mr.Soichi MARUYAMA /PhD, Professor,College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University) “Bacterial infection from dogs and cats –Brucellosis and Capnocytophaga canimorsus infection-” “What is ‘Psittacosis’? – To live with your companion birds without fear -” “Countermeasures in Japan for Preventing Zoonoses”
■Workshop Ⅱ”Human Animal Bond Lecture Workshop : Tiger Place and Representative Animal Therapy Activities in Japan” Date:Saturday 18th February 13:30~16:30 Venue:Kitano Organizer:Japanese Animal Hospital Association MC・Chairperson:Mr.Hirohisa TOTSUKA/Chairperson,CAPP Committee, Japanese Animal Hospital Association (JAHA) Cooperation: Supporting Company:ROYAL CANIN JAPON Purpose: Tiger Place is an innovative residential institution at which the people living there can keep pets. Tiger Place offers us an excellent case study for learning about the Human Animal Bond. Dr. Johnson will lecture about the advantages enjoyed by Tiger Place. Speakers: -PART.1- “TigerPlace: A Unique Setting for Aging in Place with Companion Animals” Dr.Rebecca Johnson/PhD, RN, FAAN, Director, Research Center for Human Animal Interaction (ReCHAI), College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri, President, International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations (IAHAIO) -PART 2- 1. General Overview Presentation about CAPP Activities 2. Presentation on AAA (Animal Assisted Activity) 3. Presentation on AAT (Animal Assisted Therapy) 4. Presentation on AAE (Animal Assisted Education) |
■Workshop Ⅲ “Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake for Future Animal Rescue Operations in Times of Emergency ~ Necessity for Legal Backing and Preparations in Normal Times” Date:Saturday 18th February13:30~16:30 Venue:Ikuta Organizer:Japan Animal Welfere Society MC・Chairperson:Chizuko Yamaguchi/Veterinary Inspector Japan Animal Welfare Society (JAWS) Cooperation: Supporting Company:Mars Japan Limited Purpose:This particular earthquake disaster was the largest and most damaging of any of the earthquakes we have experienced. It led to a nuclear accident which itself was the first such experience for Japan. At this workshop we would like to address all the issues that arose during the animal rescue activities subsequent to the disaster. We will discuss the legal issues, the usage of animal keeping facilities and the division of roles between central government, self-governing bodies, veterinary associations, animal care organizations and private companies. We will do this so that we may contribute to future measures and operate our animal rescue activities more swiftly and more smoothly within any region during future times of emergency. Speakers: “Handling Facilities Damaged in the Great East Japan Earthquake by the Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums.” |
■Workshop Ⅳ”Always Be Together: Protecting the Normality of Daily Life for Owners and Pets” Date:Sunday 19th February 10:00~13:00 Venue:Ikuta Organizer:Secretariat MC・Chairperson:Mr. Hiroyuki FUJITA/Editorial Director,Nikkei National Geographic Inc. Cooperation: Purpose:This workshop will make suggestions for future social policies in Japan that govern owners and their companion animals, from the point of view of ‘Protecting the Normality of Daily Life for Citizens’. The issues will be addressed with reference to disaster emergencies, both those already experienced and those that may occur unexpectedly at any time. Supporting Company:Nestle Japan Limited Netle Purina PetCare Speakers: “Animal Rescue Activities in Ishinomaki Following the Great East Japan Earthquake” “From the Site of the Great East Japan Earthquake, In Order to Survive Together with Animals…” Ms.Mari YUKI/Assistant Manager, Kobe City Animal and Pet Management Center “Cooperative program between Chiyoda ward and volunteers for human and stray cat live together” |
■Workshop Ⅴ”One World One Health” Date:Sunday 19th February 10:00~13:00 Venue:Kitano Organizer:Japan Society of Zoo and Wildlife medicine MC・Chairperson:Prof.Koichi MURATA/Professor, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University / Director, ZOORASIA YOKOHAMA ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS / President, Japanese Society of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine Cooperation: Purpose:Based on the concept ‘One World, One Health’, we will focus on ecosystem health issues. We will thereby remind ourselves of how human health is dependent on the health of all other living things and our environment, and contemplate the lifestyle we need to follow in the future. Speakers: “Self-medication in primates- prevention and cure” Prof.Michael A. Huffman /PhD, Associate Professor,Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University “Structure of Animal Communities and Transmission Dynamics of Mosquito Borne Diseases” |
■Workshop Ⅵ “The Current Situation Concerning the Handling of Animals Affected by the Great East japan Earthquake – Considering Material Contamination” Date:Sunday 19th February 10:00~13:00 Venue:Waraku organizer:Japan Veterinary Medical Association MC・Chairperson:Nobuhiko ITO /Director, Kitasato Institute,Dean, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato Univers Cooperation: Purpose:Every time a great disaster has struck, our vets have been called to action to handle the victim animals, backed by the warm support of many people. With every new disaster we have at least gained some valuable new expertise, skills and insights to guide our activities for the next time. However, the overwhelming scale of the damage wrought by the Great East Japan Earthquake was so enormous that we could barely make any dent in the recovery, even with all our collected and combined knowledge resources. Furthermore, we have been forced to confront a new enemy, the radiation pollution from the nuclear power plant accidents. So, at this workshop we would like to report on the current progress of the animal rescue operations and consider how we can make use of the new experience gained to better serve future efforts. Speakers: “Animal Rescue Operations for Small Animals” Mr.Jun KAWAMATA / Veterinarian, Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster Animal Rescue Task Force, Chiba Small Animal Clinic, Fukushima City “Animal Rescue Operations for Farm Animals ” |
■Wrokshop Ⅶ “Coping with Increasing Diversity in the Medical Treatment of Animals” Date:Sanday 19th February 14:00~17:00 Venue:Waraku Organizer:Japan Veterinary Medical Association MC・Chairperson:Mr.Taisei HOSOIDO/Veterinarian, Occupational Director, Japan Veterinary Medical Association (JVMA), Cooperation: Purpose:Within our complex relationships with animals, which relate directly to the environment, welfare, and hygiene, the requirements being placed on veterinarian medicine are changing. This workshop will reveal the increasing diversity needed for handling veterinarian medical treatment. Corporate Supporter :DS Pharma Animal Health Co., Ltd. Speakers: “Animal Medical Care for Protecting Ecosystem Health” Prof.Shinichi HAYAMA/PhD, Veterinarian, Associate Professor of Wildlife Medicine, Dept. of Veterinary Science, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University “Animal Medical Care Requires Diverse Services – Veterinarians in Public Administration, Particularly in the Public Health Field” Mr.Mikio SUGIHARA/ Assistant Department Chief and Animal Health Section Chief, Health and Welfare Dept., Consumer Affairs Bureau, Public Health Division, Hyogo Prefectural Government “The Current Situation and Future of “Family Animal” Medical Care ~ A Response to Help Pets Move from Being Members of the Family to Members of Society ~” “Main Roles Required of Veterinarians Engaged in Farm Animal Practice” |
■Workshop Ⅷ “Food Safety” Date:Sunday 19th February 14:00~17:00 Venue:Kitano Organizer:Secretariat MC・Chairperson:Prof.Yasuhiro YOSHIKAWA/Professor, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo, Member, Science Council of Japan Cooperation: Purpose:A considerable number of years have passed since the words “food safety and security” first entered into widespread public circulation. While it is said that safety and security are different things, the two words have become as inseparable in many people’s minds as the faces of the god Janus. In the livestock field, infectious diseases that spread internationally such as foot-and-mouth disease and avian influenza complicate the task of ensuring the stable supply of food, while pathogens such as the infections Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli and BSE recently found in yukhoe (a raw beef dish), the prions that cause BSE, etc., and radioactive contamination, which is currently gathering public attention, are problems related to the safety of food. Moreover, food security and safety are often confused with each other and considered as a single issue. In any event, there is a severe problem with regard to what level of risk people are willing to accept given that there is no such thing as a “zero” risk. In order to obtain the kind of reliability we call “security”, rather than trying to enforce a myth of safety, it is necessary for consumers to demand a reasonable response to their concerns and to obtain preventive knowledge. In this address, I would like once again to discuss the problems of food safety and the approaches to overcoming them. Speakers: “An Approach to Ensuring Safety at Livestock Raising Sites” Mr.Junichi Sakai/Counselor, Yamagata Prefecture Federated Agricultural Mutual Aid Association (NOSAI Yamagata) “The Safety of the Meat We Eat Everyday” “Food Risk Assessment – Food Poisoning Causative Organisms, Radioactive Nuclides in Foods” |
■Wrkshop Ⅸ “A Good Relationship with Dogs” Date:Sunday 19th February 14:00~17:00 Venue:Ikuta Organizer:Japan Kennel Club MC・Chairperson:Mr.Takemi NAGAMURA /President, Japan Kennel Club Workshop Speaker Abstracts: Cooperation: Speakers: “The Animal Welfare Act and Dog Welfare” “A Mind Vaccine” “Learning About Other Cultures from Pets” |