■Opening Keynote Speech
“Animal Rescue in the Wake of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake”
Dr. Shigekatsu ICHIDA
Chairperson, The Great Earthquake Animal Rescue Memorial Association
“Advisor Messages”
Prof. Takashi UEMURA,
Shijonawate Gakuen University
Dr. Hiroko SHIBANAI,
Advisor, Japanese Animal Hospital Association / Director, Akasaka Animal Hospital
Dr. Kimihiro TAMAI,
Chairperson, Veterinary Association of Wakayama Prefecture
Dr. Chizuko YAMAGUCHI,
Veterinary Inspector, Japan Animal Welfare Society
Companion Animal Study Group “Go”
■Workshop Ⅰ
“Crisis Management When Disaster Strikes”
Dates : Saturday 12th December 13:00-16:00
Venue : Main Hall
Organizer : Secretariat
MC/Chairperson : Prof. Takashi UEMURA, Shijonawate Gakuen University
Cooperation : Headquarters for the Relief of Animals in Emergencies
Every year Japan experiences a number of natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions which cause panic and suffering among both people and animals. Among victims wishing to be rescued, those pet owners wanting to bring their pets along, have often been refused transportation or shelter. However, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, which struck Kobe, a major city, and its surroundings, represented a turning point away from this thinking. There was a cooperative effort between local authorities, veterinary associations, animal-loving organizations and volunteers to set up an animal rescue headquarters to protect animals. They recognized that rescuing animals is a way to rescue people. Ever since the Kobe quake, this system has been repeated and improved following each new disaster. Furthermore, the national government has now set policy for establishing measures to protect animals in times of emergency. Therefore, local authorities in general have at last begun to establish animal rescue systems. Despite the progress, social awareness about one of the key issues within crisis management, namely the outbreak of infectious diseases common to humans and animals, still remains alarmingly low.The aim of this workshop, therefore, is to learn from case-studies related to the Hurricane Katrina disaster in the USA, and to emergency crises in Japan. Participants will discuss the circumstances of these disasters, their specific issues and about the urgency of having people and resources ready to combat the dangers of common human / animal infectious diseases. Ultimately this workshop aims to contribute to the creation of more effective crises prevention.
Speakers :
1. ‘Animal Rescue Activities in Stricken Areas after Hurricane Katrina’
Dr. Rebecca RHOADES, (Executive Director of Kauai Humane Society (USA))
2. ‘Looking Back on Animal Rescue Activities in the Wake of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake’
Dr.Shigekatsu ICHIDA (Chairman, The Great Earthquake Animal Rescue Memorial Association)
3. ‘Changes in Japan’s Animal Rescue Activities during Crises over the Past 20 Years’
Dr. Chizuko YAMAGUCHI, (Veterinary Inspector, Japan Animal Welfare Society)
4. ‘Measures Against Zoonosis’
Dr. Takeshi MORITA, D.V.M.
(Deputy Director, Tuberculosis and Infectious Disease Division,
Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
‘The Problem of Zoonosis, etc during Emergency Crises’
Dr. Masaru SATO, (Head of Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association,
Infections Counter-Measures Section, Crisis Management Group)
*‘Zoonosis’=‘Diseases that can be transmitted between animals and human beings’
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■Workshop II
“Zoo Improvement / Enrichment”
Dates : Saturday 12th December 13:00-16:00
Venue : Meeting Room 501
Organizer & Chairperson : Dr. Yoshikazu UENO Ph.D. Higashiyama Zoo & Botanical Garden
Cooperation : Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA)
’Environmental enrichment’ is a fundamental husbandry technique for the rearing of animals. In zoos, which keep and handle wild animals, improving the environment of the animals is of particular importance. There is currently a global trend for promoting this environmental enrichment as the basis for both rearing and exhibiting animals. Since the opening of the new millennium the trend has made some inroads within Japan and its zoos, however, due to a number of factors, including cultural differences relating to animal welfare practices, the environmental enrichment of Japanese zoos has not been proceeding as actively as in the West. The fundamentals of environmental enrichment are to be found not only on the ‘hardware’ side (for example, in the form of large-scale “gimmicks”) but in the realm of ‘software’, such as in how to best direct efforts for meeting each animals needs in everyday zoo husbandry. In this workshop, Dr. Mason will explain about the concept of “stereotypic behavior” in captive animals which is considered to be abnormal or maladaptive behavior, and about how environmental enrichment can be used as a technique for coping with this behavior based on the results of leading-edge researches. In addition, Mr. Hori of Ueno Zoo and Mr. Suzuki of Higashiyama Zoo, both of whom are actual practitioners of environmental enrichment in Japan, will talk about their specific environmental enrichment work. Based on these topics, we will attempt to reaffirm environmental enrichment and trace its future development prospects in Japan.
Speaker :
‘Environmental enrichment: why it is important for zoo animals’
Prof. Georgia MASON (University of Guelph;Animal Sciences)
Mr.Hidemasa HORI (Curator of East Garden, Ueno Zoological Gardens)
‘Feeding-Enrichment for African Elephants’
Mr.Tetsuya SUZUKI (Higashiyama Zoo & Botanical Garden)
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■ Workshop III
“Welfare and Management of Farmed Animals”
Dates : Saturday 12th December 13:00-16:00
Venue : Meeting Room 502
Organizer : The Japanese Coalition for Animal Welfare
Joint Organizer: Laboratory of Animal Welfare (sponsored by Ishii Corp.), Graduate School of Agricultural (Science, Tohoku University)
Chairperson: Dr. Shusuke SATO (Professor, Tohoku University Postgraduate School)
MC: Dr. Shigeru NINOMIYA (Asst. Professor, Tohoku University, Postgraduate School)
Consumers today are increasingly interested to know more about the welfare of farmed animals. This has come about from the public concern and alarm following the recent string of serious animal disease outbreaks. These included foot and mouth disease, BSE, and bird flu. Likewise, distrust about food production and distribution has also been a factor – for example – the faking of product-origin labels. Proper attention to farmed-animal welfare can raise the status of animal husbandry which, in turn, can lead to winning back consumer trust. In this workshop we are asking industry producers and researchers to explain about livestock husbandry and welfare, and also about the quality evaluation of livestock and products. Experts from the distribution side of the industry will introduce possible sales strategies for such livestock and products. The workshop then aims to discuss the future of livestock husbandry and welfare.
1. ‘The Importance of Greater Consideration for Farmed Animals’
Prof. Shusuke SATO,
(Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University) 30 min.
2. Rearing Systems and the Scientific Evaluation of Animal Welfare Husbandry 1 hour 20 min.
(1)Improved Broiler Production
‘The Possibility and Future of Animal Welfare for Chicken in Japan’
(Assistant, Laboratory of Animal Welfare (sponsored by Ishii Corp.), Graduate School of Agricultural
Science, Tohoku University)
(2)Improved Pig-Keeping
‘More Comfort-Oriented Hog Raising with Consideration of the Pig’s Needs.’
Mr. Katsuhiko TOYOSHITA
(Representative, Porkland Group)
Dr.. Daisuke KOHARI
(Lecturer at the Field Science Center, College of Agriculture, Ibaraki University)
(3)Improved Beef Rearing
‘Fattening system with consideration for the physical and psychological health of cattle’
Mr. Takashi CHIBA
(Tohoku Uni Affiliated Field Center, Environmental Welfare Animal Husbandry Section)
Associate Prof. Shigeru NINOMIYA
(Laboratory of Animal Welfare (sponsored by Ishii Corp.), Graduate School of Agricultural Science,
Tohoku University)
3. Marketability of Animal Welfare Husbandry 20 min.
The Co-Op’s Perspective ‘Pal System’s Efforts in Support of Animal Welfare’
Mr. Yuzo KUWAJIMA (Products General Manager (Director), Pal Meat Co. Ltd..)
4. General Discussion 30 min.
Chairperson: Prof. Shusuke SATO (Products General Manager (Director), Pal Meat Co. Ltd.)
※Japanese only
■Workshop IV
“Shelter Animal Care – For Better Adoptions”
Dates : Sunday 13th December 9:00-12:00
Venue : Main Hall
Organizer : Japan Animal Welfare Society
Chairperson: Ms. Keiko YAMAZAKI (Companion Animal Study Group “Go”)
MC: Dr. Chizuko YAMAGUCHI, Veterinary Inspector, Japan Animal Welfare Society
Supporting Company : Mars Japan Limited
Cooperation : Hyogo Prefecture Animal Wellbeing Center
In recent years the idea that ‘dogs and cats are family members’ has spread throughout society, but at the same time as many as 340,000 dogs and cats are still destroyed each year by local authorities throughout Japan. Attempting to improve this situation in some way, the Government set out a policy aimed at cutting the number of animals destroyed by half, and the local authorities also began to switch their policies towards handing over the animals they gather for adoption. It is a positive development that both the public and private sectors have begun moving towards finding new homes for animals. However, in some cases, animal shelter operators have been handing over dogs and cats indiscriminately to anybody who wishes to take them while emphasizing quantity over quality, which means that animals that should be going to happy homes may end up in trouble instead.
Although shelter operators identify themselves as animal protection organizations, in some cases they give little consideration to the mental or physical wellbeing of the animals in their care, display minimal knowledge of the animals’ nature, conduct insufficient aptitude evaluation of either people or animals, and transfer animals to potential new owners by trading on pity. In such circumstances, both the people who take in the animals and the animals themselves may become unhappy, and then rumors start to spread along the lines of, “What did you expect? If you get an animal from a shelter it will only end in trouble.” As a result, it becomes harder to give help to the many animals who are waiting in shelters for a helping hand. We would like to make Japan a society where – as is already the case in Western countries – when people wish to keep a dog or a cat at home, visiting an animal shelter first is a matter of course.
With this in mind, we’d like to discuss shelter work that is aimed at ensuring that both people and the animals they keep become happy, from the acceptance of the animal by the shelter, through to care and transfer to the new owner, and including shelter operation.
1. ‘Shelter Work in the United Kingdom’
Ms. Miranda LUCK
(International Animal Welfare ConsultantLead Trainer on Shelter Management for RSPCA International)
2. ‘Shelter Care for Better Adoptions’
Ms. Pamela BURNS, (President and CEO of the Hawaiian Humane Society)
3. ‘An Adoption Program and the Activities of an Owners Society in Hyogo Prefecture’
Dr. Masao MITANI,
(Manager, Hyogo Prefecture Animal Wellbeing Center, Miki Branch)
4. ‘Cooperation between Kobe City and the Japan Animal Welfare Society City Center Kuro’
Dr. Mari YUKI,
(Assistant Manager, Kobe City Animal and Pet Management Center)
Ms. Miyoko KITAMURA, (Japan Animal Welfare Society City Center Kuro)
Overall Debate Chairman: Ms. Keiko Yamazaki (Companion Animal Study Group “Go”)
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■Workshop V
“Animal Care – Role of Animal Hospitals and Veterinary Nurses”
Dates : Sunday 13th December 9:00-12:00
Venue : Meeting Room 501
Organizer : Japanese Veterinary Nursing Association (JVNA)
Chairperson: Prof. Mitsuaki OHTA (Azabu University, School of Veterinary Medicine)
MC: Ms. Takako MATSUBARA (Animal Nurse)
Purpose :
(Statement) Keeping domestic animals such as dogs and cats as home pets is becoming generally widespread. It has therefore become more important to build a better relationship with animals in our daily lives. As such, the social demand for animal medical treatment which has better health and hygiene as its primary purpose is on the increase. These days it is also at a higher level and with more services and options. Hence the role of animal nurses, whose job is to take care of the animals in the animal hospitals, is becoming essential for animal doctors treating the animals. Animal nurses are also needed to give guidance to animal owners with regards to their pet’s health and hygiene, and to promote good animal keeping practices, based on animal behavioral studies.
This year in April, the Japanese Veterinary Nursing Association (JVNA) was founded. We animal nurses, who play a significant part in animal care, take great pride in our work. In order to establish the social status of a recognized professional occupation, and furthermore, in order to provide a level of animal medical treatment that fully meets society’s needs, we must play a greater part in animal medical treatment.
With these points in mind, clarifying the role of the animal nurse itself can do much to improve the quality and the development of animal medical treatment. This is not only for the sake of the actual animal care but is also vital for man and animals to better coexist together. In this workshop, speakers from various professional levels and viewpoints will talk about the importance of animal nurses, and about team medical treatment. We hope to create a consensus among owners and citizens about the future of animal nursing, and how it should be.
Dr. Daijiro HARA (Director, Jutoku-kai, Animal Medical Center)
Dr. Yoshihiko KOJIMA (Director, Kojima Animal Hospital, Animal Wellness Center)
Dr. Keiko SUGIMOTO (Director, Minami-Koiwai Pet Clinic, Medical Support Center)
Prof. Shigenori IKEMOTO (President, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University)
Ms. Keiko SHIMOZONO (Board Chairperson, Shimozono Gakuen – International Animal Health & Management Colleges)
Prof. Akio FUKUSHO (Professor, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University, Faculty of Veterinary Science, School of Veterinary Nursing and Technology)
Ms. Mitsuko SAKATA (Manager, Sakata Animal Hospital)
Ms. Junko YOKOTA (Animal Nurse, Yokota Pet Clinic)
Prof. Yuji MORI (Professor, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science)
※Japanese only
■Workshop VI
” Caring for Older Dogs”
Dates : Sunday 13th December 9:00-12:00
Venue : Meeting Room 502
Organizer: Veterinary Association of Kobe City
Chairperson : Dr. Hideko KOBAYASHI / Veterinary Association of Kobe City
In recent years, advancements made in dog nutrition and veterinary medicine as well as better care by pet owners, have all helped prolong the life spans of companion dogs. It is obviously a good thing that much-loved companions live longer but, at the same time, more and more owners now have to cope with various new difficulties associated with old age in dogs. The relationship between man and dogs has a long history but this is a completely new issue within that history.
This workshop will focus on caring for canine ‘dementia’, ‘joint troubles’ and ‘cataracts’ which are the specific problems of most concern within the issue of canine longevity. The workshop will exchange the most current information about how owners should handle old-age illness in dogs and deepen our understanding on this new issue.
1. ‘Dementia in Older Dogs’
(Technical Education Department, Kyoritsu Seiyaku Corporation)
2. ‘Joint Diseases in Older Dogs’
(Technical Education Department, Kyoritsu Seiyaku Corporation)
3. ‘Eye Disease in Old Age : Cataracts’
Dr. Makoto YAMASHITA(Veterinarian at Fabre Animal Hospitall)
4. ‘Measures Owners Should Take in Caring for Older Dogs’
(Representative of Dolcecane , JAHA authorized dog training instructor)
※Japanese only
■Workshop VII
“Nutritional Science for Pet Animals – Effect of Gut Health to Overall Health – ”
Dates : Sunday 13th December 13:00-16:00
Venue : Main Hall
Organizer : Secretariat
Chairperson: Prof. Toshinori SAKO(School of Veterinary Nursing & Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University)
Supporting Company : Nestle Purina PetCare
Cooperation : Japanese Society of Pet Animal Nutrition / AnimaTec OHSHIMA
Feeding is an extremely important factor in the health and maintenance of animals. However, no matter how excellent the feed is in terms of nutrition, unless the animal’s intestines (which absorb nutrients) are healthy, the animal cannot ingest adequate nutrients. As a result, maintaining good health becomes difficult.
Therefore, at this workshop, attention will be paid to the intestinal health of (especially) pet animals. It will provide information based on the most current dietetics research concerning the effect of intestinal condition on immunity, obesity (which is a common problem for both people and pets), diabetes (and its prevention), and daily diet management, etc.. The workshop will thereby deepen our thinking on the role of intestine health for overall health in pet animals.
Speakers :
1. ’Beneficial Effects of Natural Antibodies During Times of Stress in Puppies’
Dr. Jill Cline, PhD,
(Research Scientist, Nestle Purina Product Technology Center)
2. “Clinical significance of diagnostic imaging in gastrointestinal diseases: A message from an imaging specialist”
(Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Radiology Director & CEO, Institute of Veterinary Education & Advanced Technology)
3. ’Obesity in Companion Animals’
Associate Prof. Katsumi ISHIOKA DVM, Ph.D
(School of Veterinary Nursing & Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University)
4. ’Preventing Diabetes and How it is Treated.’
Prof. Toshinori SAKO
(School of Veterinary Nursing & Technology, Faculty of Veterinary Science Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University)
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■Workshop VIII
“Child Care and Animal Care”
Dates : Sunday 13th December 13:00-16:00
Venue : Meeting Room 501
Organizer : Japanese Animal Hospital Association (JAHA)
Chairperson: Dr. Hiroko SHIBANAI (Advisor, Japanese Animal Hospital Association / Director, Akasaka Animal Hospital)
MC: Dr. Hirohisa TOTSUKA (Chairman of Companion Animal Partnership Program Committee, Japanese Animal Hospital Association)
Supporting Company : ROYAL CANIN JAPON, Inc.
Objectives :
JAHA is an association of animal hospitals set up with permission from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 1987. The Association had been promoting animal-assisted therapy activities with animal intervention since 1986.
In practical terms, JAHA conducts ‘animal intervention activities’ which aim to provide increased emotional stability and improve quality of life for people through contact with animals. It also conducts ‘animal intervention therapy’ (a substitution specialist treatment for human medical care), and ‘animal intervention education’ which, through training of emotions, teaches young people (by visiting elementary schools with animals) about the correct way to handle animals and the importance of ‘life’.
All these activities are only conducted under the clearly understood policy that consideration is also given to the health, welfare and training of animals. The Association has produced practical manuals and, also in the educational field, provides lectures on keeping school animals.
Content : Part I –
‘Giving Meaningful Experiences to Children’
Dr. Mihoko NAKAGAWA (Committee for Humane & Science Education Utilizing School-owned Animals, Japan Veterinary Medical Association / Director, Nakagawa Animal Hospital / Secretary-general, Society for Humane & Science Education Utilizing School-owned Animals / Japanese Veterinary Council for School-owned Animals) ‘Practicing Human-Animal Bond Education that Values People and Animals’
Dr. Tetsuya MAEKAWA (Science Teacher, Junior High School of Ochanomizu University Director, NPO Japan Human Animal Bond Society (J-HABS) Meteorologists Environment Counselor (Citizen) Part II –
‘21st Century – Animals which support children: the CAPP activities of the Japan Animal Hospital Association’
Dr. Hiroko SHIBANAI (Advisor, Japanese Animal Hospital Association(JAHA)/Director, Akasaka Animal Hospital) ‘The Value of Companion Animals to People’s Health, Welfare & Education (Children and Animals)’ ‘Animal Therapy Demonstration’
CAPP activity teams’ occupational therapists, physical therapists, volunteers and therapy dogs, will demonstrate the AAA, AAT, AAE activities.
※Japanese only
■Workshop IX
“Protection and Control of Wild Animals – Effective Use and Protection of Habitats”
Dates : Sunday 13th December 13:00-16:00
Venue : Meeting Room 502
Organizer : Secretariat
Chairperson : Prof. Kouichi KAJI, Tokyo University of Agricultural and Technology
Cooperation : Hyogo Prefectural Homeland for the Oriental white Stork / Yezo Deer Association /
Wildlife Management Research Center, Hyogo / Hyogo Sikadeer Sustainable Use Working Group / Japan Bear Network
The overabundance of Sika Deer all over the country is not only causing damage to agriculture and forestry but also affecting the ecosystem through the damage caused to trees and plants eaten by deer and the subsequent soil erosion this leads to. Similarly the number of deer-related traffic and train collisions has been increasing rapidly. On the other hand, the number of hunters, responsible for controlling deer numbers in the past, has seen a dramatic decrease. Very soon the situation is likely to become uncontrollable. Balancing protection of rare raptors in the process of controlling deer numbers has been a large issue. Therefore at this workshop we will discuss how to successfully control deer numbers while maintaining common ground with raptor protection.
Speakers :
Prof. Seiji KONDO, (Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University)
Prof. Masatsugu SUZUKI, (Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences , Gifu University)
Dr. Takehiko INOUE, (Representative of the Working Group for the Research of the Golden Eagle & Mountain Hawk Eagle in the far east / Vice-Representative of the Working Group for the Research and Conservation of the Japanese Mountain Hawk-Eagle)
Dr. Okio SUDA, (Director, NPO Wildlife Rescue Veterinarian Association)
Associate Prof. Mayumi YOKOYAMA, (University of Hyogo, Wildlife Management Research Center, Hyogo)
※Japanese only