アローン・ワッサーマン博士 リハビリ心理士、動物介在セラピスト:イスラエル
・ 心理的(不安、抑うつなど)
・ 行動的(回避、攻撃など)
・ 認知的(注意、記憶、構成など)
動物介在療法(Animal Assisted Therapy:AAT)

山口修喜 カウンセリングオフィスPomu
そして、トラウマやPTSDを理解するに当たって、多重迷走神経理論(Polyvagal Theory) を紹介する。この理論は何度も繰り返されるトラウマや虐待により、過覚醒と解離のシステムを繰り返し行き来することを説明している。その過覚醒と解離を、身体感覚に働きかけ、落ち着かせることでトラウマからの回復が可能になる。

兵庫教育大学 人間発達教育専攻 臨床心理学コ−ス 准教授
Nature Catastrophe Victims:
The Rehabilitation Process of Post Traumatic Patients with the Aid of a Therapy Dog (A transcript for the Japan lectures)
Dr. Alon Wasserman, Rehabilitation Psychologist, Animal Assisted Therapist, Israel
Professional background:
o I work as a psychotherapist and as a lecturer. In my clinic I give service to a wide variety of patients of all ages. Starting from normal patients who are struggling with minor-moderate life events, through patients with severe disturbances such as post traumatic patients, brain injured patients and life threatening illness patients.
o A major part of my clinical work is done with the aid of my pets. I have two therapy dogs and a cat. The embedding of the pets in therapy is a unique part of my expertise.
o I teach at the program for animal assisted therapists at the Levinsky College in Israel. Students are enrolled for at least two years of studies which combines psychology, zoology, human-animal relationship and practical therapeutic work with children and adults.
National background:
o I am Jewish and live in Israel. Life in Israel is very complicated mainly because of security problems. The Jewish people have a long history of prosecution all over the world, and in the past 65 years, the state of Israel had many wars with our neighbor countries. These wars left many casualties for both sides, and many soldiers who survived developed PTSD. Alongside to the wars, there were many terror attacks which left civilians with PTSD. There are also people who are suffering PTSD due to natural catastrophes and other causes.
Lecture Layout
1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): General explanation
2. Sub population: Natural Catastrophe Victims
3. Animal assisted therapy in Israel and implication to Japan
4. Roles of the Therapy Dog
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
A quick review of anxiety (as a human resource), anxiety disorders and the specifications of PTSD. Anxiety disorders include Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, PTSD and Generalized Anxiety.
o Patients have experienced a major emotional stress due to a life threatening event.
o Private (e.g., rape, accident) vs. Public Events (e.g., natural catastrophes, Terror attacks).
o PTSD Consists of: Re-experiencing the trauma (nightmares, flashbacks), Persistent avoidance of reminders of the trauma, Persistent hypervigilence. Common associated symptoms are depression, anxiety and cognitive difficulties.
o Here we focus on civilians who were in real and immediate danger to their lives due to an overwhelming natural force. Some of them were physically injured and/or lost a loved one (or more).
Natural Catastrophe Victims
o Females and males across the whole life span, who have developed in a normal way.
o Who performed or took part in normal activities.
o The trauma was caused at a specific moment in life (e.g., the afternoon of March 11, 2011), and has personal and national characteristics.
o Mass media coverage influence the rehabilitation process.
o There is no guarantee that it will not happen again.
Needs –
Support is needed to cope with problems in different domains:
o Emotional (anxiety, depression, etc.)
o Behavioral (avoidance, aggression, etc.)
o Cognitive (attention, memory, organization, etc.)
These difficulties cause lack of function at study, work and at home with family and friends.
Treatment –
o Crisis intervention with support, education and coping mechanisms.
o Exposure to stress related events.
o Stress management, relaxation.
o A mixture of interpersonal psychotherapy with cognitive practices.
o Medication.
Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT)
o Understanding the bond between mankind and other animals.
o A brief history of AAT
o Relevant Animals in Therapy.
o The advantages of dogs to therapy – the therapist’s ability to control the dog’s behavior, highly communicative and emotional creature, the dog enjoys the sessions, suitable size, abundance of dogs, no ethical issues.
o Therapy dogs are individually trained for the use of a specific therapist.
o The dog becomes an integrated part of the therapeutic setting, and a part of the communication triangle that interacts: Patient – Therapist – Dog
o Therapist’s private dog.
o Present at some or all sessions.
o When present, not necessarily for the whole session.
o Initiations of the Therapist –
• Playing together – reducing anxiety, mood uplifting, responsibility, controlling disturbing behavior, improving empathy ability, etc.
• Play therapy suited to adults.
• The therapist concern with the dog’s well-being serves as role modeling.
o The dog’s response to emotional situations – crying, anger and aggression, manic attacks, joy.
o One problem we have is that many PTSD patients are reluctant to go to a psychologist. Some of them think of it as very frightening experience. In Israel an Animal Assisted Therapist, does not have to be a psychologist. We have diploma AAT studies for graduates of BA in psychology/education/social work/speech therapists, etc. The students studies for at least two years and doing practical therapeutic work under supervision.
o When a PTSD patient comes to me and sees my dog – there is a sudden drop of the anxiety level. Many of them also deny their bad situation after the trauma, so the dog promotes expressing feelings in extreme – for the good or for the worse. Also, some of them have a problem with empathy, especially if one has a catastrophic reaction to his or her situation. When the sense of loss of control is a major feeling – it is over whelming to call a dog that comes and obey you. Also padding the dog while speaking, promotes relaxing in the room.
o In the lectures I will explain specifically how to work with PTSD patients, considering the special circumstances of the PTSD victims of the great earth quack and tsunami of 2011. I will show how the presence of the dog helps to tackle the needs of these patients.

Dog therapy with male survivors
Nobuki Yamaguchi
Counseling Office Pomu

Graduate School of Education – Human Development Education
Clincal Psyocholgy Assoiceate Professor