


Live Love Animals Festival ‘Always Be Together’ Donations Set Up Proposal

Live Love Animals Festival
   ‘Always Be Together’ Donations
         Set Up Proposal

 The ‘Live Love Animals Festival’ is an on-going project that originally began as a Kobe 21st Century Restoration Commemorative Project. It was (and continues to be) organized by then-NPO (now PIIA) Knots, a group founded by some of the people who took action to rescue animals after the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake. Once a year, the festival is held with a ‘dog sports’ meet as its core event, combined with several promotional activities for assistance dogs and adoption support, as well as sales of dog related products. This is a fun day out for dogs, their owners and people who love animals.. 
  Many of the festival participants experienced the Kobe Earthquake directly, or have close friends or relatives who did. This festival was one of the first where citizens could remember the earthquake, share their feelings and express their gratitude for post-quake recovery.

  One result of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake was that people came to realize the strength of the human-animal bond, and its great influence. At this sad time we give our thoughts and prayers to the people in the North-Eastern part of Japan (Tohoku) and those who had to be evacuated with their pets. More than ever before we feel ‘they should never be apart’ and we want them to know that they have friends here in Kobe, people who have also struggled to ‘be together’
~ Why people should not be separated from pets ~
 Given the choice, having pets and animals near to us is part of our normal life and quite natural. For some of the people who have lost their homes or livelihoods due to the earthquake and tsunami, pets are the only ‘normalcy’ they still possess. To be subsequently forced to separate again would cause these people to experience the same loss a second time. Some owners feel that they should not talk about their pets during such difficult times of hardship. As a result, their sadness and suffering may multiply. This is especially so for older people who are now less able to handle change in their lives. If they lose what little they have managed to keep there will be a double tragedy
 Furthermore, having pets close by can be a source of empowerment for such people. The sense of being depended upon by a pet can help people towards independence.
 Early on, very soon after the Kobe Earthquake, there were arguments about the right place to keep pets. However, in the end, it became possible for people to keep pets in the temporary residential houses, concessions that were continued with the construction of collective public apartments and led to the Hyogo Animal Well Being Center being set up. (The current Headquarters for the Relief of Animals in Emergencies was founded based on the animal rescue operations organized at the time of Kobe Earthquake)
 We must remind everybody that the purpose of gathering donations and becoming involved is not to physically rescue animals. (It is the owner’s who should rescue their pets). Our objective is to support and help protect each and every individual who wants to save the small but precious lives of animals.
<An Initiative By >
The ‘Live Love Animals Festival’ Organizers
 To encourage, give hope to and reassure people who have been evacuated with their pets that they can remain safe and secure. Another purpose is to support people with pets (who have comparatively greater physical and emotional obstacles) towards recovery and independence. Likewise, we aim to contribute to helping more citizens respect and follow Animal Law.  
  We will provide financial aid for the construction of temporary housing that allows pets. We will provide financial aid to people moving into such housing with their pets. In principle this financial aid will be handled through self-governing bodies. If any funds remain, a special ‘Always Be Together’ fund will be set up within PIIA Knots for use in similar future cases.
<How to Donate>
  Donations will be accepted through the donation page on the PIIA Knots website, or through banks or post office, as detailed below.
– Post Office-
Account  : 00920-6-0109995  
Name: 公益社団法人Knots  (Koeki-shadan-hojin Knots) 
1) Mitsui Sumitomo Bank,
Shukugawa Branch (branch no.374), ordinary account no. 4120523 Sha) Knots
2) Japan Net Bank,
Suzume Branch  (branch no.002), ordinary account no.3623967Sha)Knots
※to indicate purpose, please put ‘55’ in front of your name. (e.g. 55John Smith)
※Donations are eligible for preferential tax treatment (nb. only in Japan).
  From 15th April 2011 until whenever people are back on their feet, together with their pets.
PIIA Knots Secretariat:
6-6-7-405, Nakayamate street,Chuouku Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan   650-0004
Persons in charge: Hisanori SHIRAKAWA (Mr), Naomi KURODA (Ms)