The Humane Society of the United States is the largest of about 5,000 animal protection organizations in the United States who collectively employ from 40-50,000 people and who raise and spend about $2 billion every year on behalf of animals. However, these organizations represent only the tip of the iceberg because about 60 million homes share their lives with companion animals. Studies show that most of these homes consider the animals to be an important part of their families. Furthermore, our lives are permeated by animal images, both real and imagined, and our language is rich with animal terms and metaphors. As a famous British anthropologist demonstrated, our lives are enriched and enhanced by animals and they deserve our active and energetic advocacy on their behalf. The world would be a much poorer place without the richness, diversity and beauty of animals and nature.
On behalf of the Humane Society of the United States and our seven million constituents, we wish you a most successful event. The Japanese people and their culture have long demonstrated an exquisite esthetic appreciation of animals and we are delighted to join you in absentia in celebrating our emotional and empathic connections with, and obligations toward animals.
Andrew N Rowan, PhD, Senior Vice-President, Research, Education and International Issues,
The Humane Society of the United States.HSUS R W Swain, Jr, Vice President, Investigations, The Humane Society of the United States.HSUS
HSUS (The Humane Society of the United States) は今回神戸で開催される、人と動物の絆の祭典に参加できなくなりましたこと、誠に残念に思っています。みなさまと共に、動物が人々の暮らしの中で、特に大きな災害や悲しみが襲ったとき、私たちの心を癒してくれる大切な存在であるということを語り合いたいと思っていました。私たちは今まさに惨劇に直面しており、入ってくるコメントによりますと、多くの方たちが人命とそして動物たちの安否両方を気遣っており、また多くの方たちが共に生活している動物たちによって慰められているということがさらに明らかになっています。
アンドリュー・ローワン(副会長) The Humane Society of the United States.HSUS
リック・スウェイン(副会長) The Humane Society of the United States.HSUS